Book An Appointment

Located in Fergus Ontario.


Come with zero eye makeup.

If you wear waterproof mascara, stop using it a week prior to our session. It leaves a residue on your lashes that affects the extension’s bond and causes premature shedding.

Check your current products and make sure you are not using anything that has or is oil based 48 hours prior to our session and going forwards.

Please arrive on time. Full address as well as all other essential details can be found in the appointment confirmation email sent out immediately after booking.

15 minutes late can lead to a cancelled appointment.

Depending on circumstances, the appointment may be able to continue BUT will end at the scheduled time so as not to affect the next appointment.

Cancellation/Reschedule Policy :

Please give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule. A last minute cancellation will result in a charge of 50% of the service. No exceptions.

A no show will result in a charge of 100% of the service. No exceptions.